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Terms and Conditions

Welcome to SusuApp! We're thrilled to have you as a user of our downloadable mobile application designed to facilitate the creation and management of susu. Before you proceed, please read and understand the following terms and conditions. By using SusuApp, you agree to abide by these terms, which govern the use of our services.

  1. Use of Cookies and Information Sharing with Third Parties: By using SusuApp, you consent to the use of cookies and acknowledge that certain information may be shared with third parties as outlined in our Privacy Policy. Please review the Privacy Policy for more details.


  2. Third-Party Disclosures: We are not responsible for any products or services offered by third parties that you may encounter through SusuApp.

  3. Handling of Funds and Interest: SusuApp does not receive or store any funds. We do not offer or provide interest on any funds transferred or managed through our platform. Our role is limited to facilitating the movement of money between sou sou participants.


  4. Responsibility for Obligations: SusuApp holds no legal responsibility for damages resulting from the failure of a susu participant or manager to meet their obligations. Any agreements and arrangements among participants must be adhered to without involving SusuApp.


  5. Dispute Resolution: Any non-technical disputes arising between participants must be resolved exclusively among the involved parties SusuApp is not responsible for mediating or resolving disputes.


  6. Unlawful Activities and Moral Responsibilities: Users are prohibited from engaging in unlawful activities through SusuApp. Users mustuphold moral responsibilities and treat others with respect while using our platform.

  7. Warning Notice:

  • Participation in a susu is based on trust. Users must trust that all participants will fulfill their payment obligations.

  • Failure to meet susu obligations may result in legal actions, including potential lawsuits initiated by the susu manager or other participants. Joining a susu constitutes a legal agreement.

  • Users should acknowledge the legal implications of joining a susu and their obligation to meet payment commitments.


  8. Legal Agreements and Notices: Users are advised that joining and participating in a susu constitutes a legal agreement, and any                disputes or legal actions must be handled directly among participants without involving SusuApp.


  9. Termination Policy: We reserve the right to terminate a user's account for reasons including but not limited to:

  • Engaging in unlawful practices.

  • Harassment of other users.

  • Consistently failing to meet susu obligations, resulting in bad ratings.

  • Violating our chat policies.

  • Involvement in fraudulent activities.

  • Violating our terms of use.


 10. Scheduled Maintenance: SusuApp may occasionally undergo scheduled maintenance to improve our services. Users will be informed         of any maintenance that may affect their access.

 11. IOS/Android Policies: Users are responsible for adhering to the terms and policies of the iOS and Android platforms, as applicable.

 12. Ads Disclosure: SusuApp may display advertisements from third parties. Users acknowledge that their interaction with such ads is               subject to the terms of those advertisers.


 13. Miscellaneous: Additional terms and conditions not explicitly mentioned herein may apply. Users are encouraged to review our full               terms of use for a comprehensive understanding of our services.



Cellular Data Usage Disclosure


This disclosure outlines how our app utilizes cellular data to provide you with the best user experience. Please read this information carefully.


1. Purpose of Cellular Data Usage: Our app may use cellular data to perform the following functions:

  • Content Delivery: Downloading images, videos, and other media content.

  • Updates: Retrieving app updates, bug fixes, and new features.

  • Synchronization: Keeping your app data in sync with our servers.


2. Data Consumption Estimates:

  • Low Data Usage: On average, SusuApp consumes a minimal amount of cellular data for basic functionalities.

  • Media Content: Viewing high-resolution images or streaming videos may contribute to increased data usage.


3. Optimal Settings for Data Conservation:

  • We recommend adjusting your app settings to minimize data usage.

  • Consider using Wi-Fi for data-intensive activities to conserve cellular data.

4. Background Data Usage:

  • SusuApp may use cellular data in the background for updates and synchronization.

  • You can control background data usage in your device settings.


5. Notifications for High Data Usage:

  • The app may provide notifications when data usage exceeds predefined limits.

  • Users can customize these limits in the app settings.


7. Updates and Changes:

  • This disclosure may be updated to reflect changes in data usage policies.

  • Users will be notified of significant changes.


8. User Consent:

  • By using SusuApp, you consent to the outlined cellular data usage practices.

  • You have the option to manage data settings within the app.



Cellular Data Charges Disclosure


This disclosure provides information on potential cellular data charges associated with the use of our app. Please review this information carefully.


1. Data Charges Overview:

  • The use of SusuApp may result in cellular data charges imposed by your mobile carrier.

  • Data charges may apply for activities such as downloading content, updates, and synchronization.


2. Data Usage Patterns:

  • The amount of cellular data consumed depends on your usage patterns, such as streaming media, downloading files, and app updates.

  • Please be aware of the potential impact on your data plan.


3. Wi-Fi Connection:

  • To reduce cellular data charges, we recommend connecting to Wi-Fi whenever possible.

  • Many features of the app can be enjoyed without utilizing cellular data when connected to Wi-Fi.


5. Background Data Usage:

  • The app may use cellular data in the background for tasks such as automatic updates and synchronization.

  • Adjusting background data settings in your device can help manage charges.


6. Notifications:

  • Users may receive notifications within the app regarding high data usage.

  • Customizable thresholds allow users to set limits and receive alerts accordingly.


7. Roaming Charges:

  • While using SusuApp during international travel, additional roaming charges may apply.

  • Users are advised to check with their mobile carrier regarding international data rates.


8. Updates and Changes:

  • This disclosure may be updated to reflect changes in data usage policies.

  • Users will be informed of significant changes.


9. User Consent:

  • By using SusuApp, you acknowledge and accept potential cellular data charges.

  • Users have the responsibility to monitor and manage their data usage.


10. Contact Information:

  • For any questions or concerns regarding data usage, please contact our support team at

Notification Policy


At SusuApp, we believe in providing our users with a seamless and personalized experience. Notifications play a crucial role in keeping you updated about your Sou Sou groups, payments, and other relevant information. However, we also understand the importance of respecting your preferences and privacy. Therefore, we have developed the following notification policy along with an opt-out procedure to ensure that you have full control over the notifications you receive.


Notification Types:

  1. Push Notifications

  • Group Updates: Notifications related to your Sou Sou groups, including new contributions, payouts, and upcoming payment reminders.

  • Account Alerts: Notifications regarding changes or updates to your Sou Sou account, such as password resets, security alerts, or account activity.

  • Promotional Offers: Occasional notifications about special offers, promotions, or new features that may be of interest to you.

  • General Announcements: Important announcements about changes to our services, terms of use, or other relevant information.


2.   SMS Notification

  • Text: A One Time Passcode verification, invite to join a Sou Sou, marketing content and promotional offers may be sent to your phone provided. Text messages will be sent come from (844) 325-6222. 


Opt-Out Procedure:

We respect your right to manage your notification preferences. If you wish to opt out of receiving certain types of notifications or all notifications altogether, you can follow these steps:


1. Push Notifications: 

  • In-App Settings: Navigate to the menu in the top left corner of the app and select “Push Notifications”.

  • Select Preferences: You turn off notifications to opt out entirely.

  • Save Changes: Make sure to save your preferences to apply the changes.


2. ​SMS Notifications:

  • Text: Simply reply “STOP” to opt out.


Agreeing to the terms and conditions indicate that you understand and agree to receive notifications and from SusuApp via (844) 325-6222. Alternatively, you can contact our customer support team at for assistance with managing your notification preferences.


Impact of Opting Out:

Please note that opting out of certain notifications may affect your experience with the SusuApp. For example, opting out of payment reminders may result in missing important payment reminders or updates about your Sou Sou contributions. We recommend carefully considering your preferences before opting out of any notifications.


Policy Updates:

We may periodically update this notification policy to reflect changes in our services or to comply with regulatory requirements. We will notify you of any significant changes to this policy through the SusuApp or via email.

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